Our Mission

Bringing the LUV of Jesus to Orphans Around the World

Coreluv exists to bring the LUV of Jesus to orphans around the world by providing their six basic needs. We do this by partnering with communities around the world and working in impoverished areas. Our goal is to restore hope to children, families, and communities, creating a ripple effect that spans nations.

The Six Basic Needs

  1. Clean Water: For many orphans, clean water is a rare luxury, often found miles away. This fact is a driving force for Coreluv to ensure children have access to clean drinking water.
  2. Proper Food: Since nutritious food is uncommon for many orphans, Coreluv is committed to providing our children with the nutritious meals that every child needs to stay healthy.
  3. Healthcare: Each orphan in Coreluv’s care receives regular medical attention, nutritional supplements, and specialized medical procedures as needed.
  4. Education: To help break the cycle of poverty, each of the children in Coreluv’s care is provided an empowering education. In addition, we provide education for hundreds of children from the community in Myan, Haiti, many of whom would otherwise not have access to schooling.
  5. Job Skills: To ensure that we are transforming the lives of children and their communities and nations, we teach various trade skills to help our children and young adults make a difference where they live.
  6. A Christ-Centered, Loving Home: We provide a Christ-centered home with a spiritual foundation for life and a loving family where children develop lifelong relationships.

Our Commitment to Orphan Care

Isaiah 1:17 reads, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows.” We believe this scripture is not merely a suggestion but a commandment, something the Church must rise up and do. Unless someone defends the orphan, they are defenseless. Unless someone speaks for them, they will not be heard. We choose to defend them, speak for them, and challenge others to do the same.

How You Can Help

Wear Our Apparel: Every purchase from our online store helps provide the six basic needs for orphans around the world. Plus, every time you wear it, you can be a voice for those whose voices are often not heard.

Support Financially: Become a Defender — a monthly financial partner with Coreluv — and make a lasting impact on the lives of these children. Your sustaining support will make a long-term impact day by day. 100% of your support as a Defender goes directly to providing the six basic needs of the children in our care. Learn more and become a Defender today at coreluv.org/defender.